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The importance of vitamin D

Skribentens bild: MåVäl LenaMåVäl Lena

Uppdaterat: 8 mars 2023

A woman in her 50+ years of age tells us that every autumn, around November, she becomes depressed.

She also tells us that when she was younger and lived abroad, where the sun was shininge even in October-April, she did not experience this depression.

We took a blood test (D-vitamintest) that showed that vitamin D levels were not catastrophic but they were at the lower end of the scale.

The woman starts taking two tablets of Zinoshine+, which contains both Vitamin D and Magnesium, which is required for the body to assimilate vitamin D.

When the woman comes back to take the second test after 120 days, she tells us: "The month of November, which tends to be the hardest, has just slipped by. All of a sudden I realized it was December.

Please watch this short film (about 3 min) for more knowledge. "More han one billion people suffer from D-vitamin deficiency."

If you take vitamin D and want to know if they work as they should, we are happy to help you take a blood test. If you do not take vitamin D, we also recommend that you take a blood test and then possibly take extra vitamin D.

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